Member Information

The annual meeting is the time when the members of the congregation exercise their constitutional duty of governance for the calendar year. It is the time to discuss and vote on the current business issues of the congregation. It is the time to elect council members for the church council. It is the time for the congregation to pray together define a vision of ministry for the coming year and affirm the ministry began in former years. Those who have questions I urge – write them down so you have time to think them over and pray over what you are seeking. To those who have concerns, write these down and express your thoughts so others will understand your words. To those who have visions, write these down so you can present these as fulfillments of ministry in Christ Jesus.

The Immanuel Constitution defines a voting member as one who has confirmed their faith in God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (confirmed member) and who has tithed (given) to the financial needs of the church and communed (received Holy Communion) a minimum of 4 times in the last calendar year. Immanuel is a small congregation and thus each of you have the duty and obligation to participate in the leadership of the congregation. If you have not served in a while pray to the Lord and ask Him to give you a word of encouragement. This is your congregation, be a voice of faithfulness building up one another in the Lord.